Annual Notifications

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Attendance Policy | Parents’ Bill of Rights | Non-Discrimination Compliance (Title IX) | Family Educational Rights | Public Relations Use of Student Photos | District Communications with Parents | Relations with Disabled Parents | Special Education Services | Computer/Network Acceptable Use | HIV/AIDS Health Education for K-12 Students | Parental Disabilities Needs Assessment | Records of Attendance | District Health and Safety Committee | Pesticide Application Notice | Safe and Drug-Free SchoolsStudent Complaints and GrievancesStudent RecordsAnti-Harassment of District Employees and Students | Eligibility for Participation in Extracurricular ActivitiesSchool Visitors |District Safety Plans | Asbestos Management PlanSmoking on School Premises | Public Conduct on School Property | Project “Child Find” Preschool Readiness | NYS District Liaison for Education of Homeless Children & Youth | Notification of Body Camera on School Resource Officer | Equal Opportunity

Attendance Policy

Attendance is an important factor in school success for students. The education program offered by the Ichabod Crane School District is based on student presence and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation. The goal of our District’s attendance policy is to require and encourage students to come to school each day ready to learn.

The Attendance Policy has been developed and implemented to ensure adequate records of attendance in accordance with Education Law, 3205 and 3210. This policy was first adopted by the Board of Education in June 2002. The policy is reviewed annually. Please review this policy with your children. If you have any questions, contact the Superintendent at 758-7575, Ext. 3002.

Parents’ Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security

Pursuant to Section 2-c and 2-d of the Education Law, parents and students are entitled to certain protections regarding confidential student information. The District is committed to safeguarding personally identifiable information from unauthorized access or disclosure.

Parents have the right to have complaints about possible breaches and unauthorized disclosures of student data addressed. Complaints should be directed to Data Privacy Officer – Lucas Christensen, Ichabod Crane Central School District – at (518) 758-7575 or

For inquiries regarding the Privacy Policy of district-owned software, please send an email request to the Data Privacy Officer at

Non-Discrimination Compliance Statement (Title IX)

View an overview of New Title IX regulations effective August 2020 below:

The Ichabod Crane Central School District hereby advises students, parents, employees, and the general public that it offers educational opportunities including vocational opportunities without regard to sex, race, color, national origin, handicap or religion. Inquiries regarding this non-discrimination policy may be directed to the Title IX Compliance Officer and Section 504 Compliance Officer:

Lucas Christensen (Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance Officer)
Assistant Superintendent of Schools
Ichabod Crane Central School District
Valatie, NY 12184
(518) 758-7575, ext. 3009

Peg Warner (Section 504 Compliance Officer)
Director of Special Education,
Ichabod Crane Central School District,
Valatie, NY 12184
(518) 758-7575 ext. 6008

A copy of the “In Compliance with Section 1.4 (a)” is available in the Superintendent’s Office.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that the Ichabod Crane Central School District, with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records.

Public Relations Use of Student Photos and Data

From time to time, school district officials may release student information (name, grade level, photograph, art, work, academic interest, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, terms of school attendance and graduation, awards received, etc.) for use in school district publications, district website and district social media sites, or to the media for public relations purposes.

Parents who object to the release of their child’s information and/or photograph should notify their child’s building principal in writing on or before October 1 in any school year.

Communications with Parents

The Board of Education Policy #4712 addresses Communication with Parents. The intent of the policy is to provide information to enhance a student’s performance through parental involvement, address positive communication and recognition when due, offer parental suggestions that can help them improve their child’s achievement, and provide student progress reports (report cards) at least four (4) times annually (3 times for K-5).

Relations with Parents with Disabilities

District parents with disabilities are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in school-sponsored activities which are designed for parental involvement. Upon receipt of this form, the Superintendent of Schools will recommend to the Board of Education that reasonable and appropriate accommodations be made. If you have any questions on this procedure, please contact the Central Office.

Special Education Services

If you suspect that your child may have a physical, cognitive, or emotional disability, you have the right to refer your child to the District’s Committee on Special Education for an evaluation, and a determination as to whether your child is eligible to receive special education services and programs. More information regarding your rights is set forth in the New York State Education Department’s Parent’s Guide to Special Education in New York State for Children Ages 3-21, available in English or Spanish.

To refer your child to the Committee on Special Education, or to obtain more information regarding the District’s special education services and programs, please contact:

Peg Warner
Director of Special Education
Kinderhook CSD
2910 Rt. 9 Valatie, NY 12184
(518) 758-7575 ext. 6008

Equal Opportunity

The Board shall not discriminate in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, religion, marital status, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability or predisposing genetic characteristic. A finding that an individual has engaged in conduct in violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action and/or filing of a report with third parties in the manner prescribed by the district code of conduct, the law or applicable contract. Board Policy #0100 outlines the BOE’s approved policy and regulation.

Computer and Computer Network Acceptable Policy Use

The Board considers student access to computers and computer networks, including the Internet, to be a powerful educational research tool. Board Policy #4526 establishes rules and regulations that govern all users of the District’s computers, computer network and the Internet. A Photo Media Publication Form will be made available to each family. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the District Office at (518) 758-7575.

Health Education for Students in Grades K-12, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Section 135.3, (b),(c) of the New York State Education Commissioner’s Regulations mandates that all students receive instruction concerning the transmission, nature, and prevention of AIDS. Projected dates for this instruction in prevention, for students in grades 7-12, are noted on this calendar. The Regulations also provide that no pupil will be required to attend instruction on that one portion of the total AIDS curriculum which deals with methods of prevention of AIDS, provided the pupil’s parent or guardian has filed a written request with the principal asking that his/her child not participate in such prevention instruction. If the pupil is then excluded from this instruction, the parent or guardian must provide the District with an assurance that the child will receive the instruction at home. Parents and guardians who have any questions on this particular aspect of the program and would like to either review a particular grade level’s instruction and/or request that an exclusion form is sent home are encouraged to contact the building principal.

Parental Disabilities Needs Assessment Form

The Board of Education recognizes that those district parents with disabilities which would preclude them from taking part in the development of their children’s educational program must be afforded an equal opportunity to participate in school-initiated activities which are designed for parental involvement and are directly related to their child’s academic and/or disciplinary progress (e.g. parent-teacher conferences, and/or meetings with other district personnel). The purpose of this form is to provide an opportunity for such parents to identify the special accommodation they desire. Parents are under no obligation to complete this form.

Records of Attendance Upon Instruction

Good attendance is a central component of our students’ learning and success in school. Students, parents, teachers, administrators, support staff, and members of the Board of Education in accordance with Education Law 3205 and 3210 have collaboratively developed the Board of Education Attendance Policy. The student and his/her parent are responsible for providing written notification of the reason for absence upon the student’s return to school. Both excused and unexcused absences are defined in the Board Policy. If you have questions on this policy or would like a full copy of the policy, please contact the District Office at (518) 758-7575.

District-Wide Health and Safety Committee

The Board of Education recognizes that the safety of students, employees and the public is most important. All students, employees and the public share in the responsibility to make our schools safe places to learn. Both District-wide and building safety plans have been adopted by the Board of Education in accordance with the Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) legislation and are available for your review. The meeting dates for this committee are scheduled and noted on the District Calendar.

Pesticide Application Notice

If you would like to register to receive 48-hour prior notification of pesticide applications that are scheduled to occur in your school, please notify Steven Marotta, Director of Facilities, in writing on or before October 1 in any school year. In the event of an emergency application necessary to protect against an imminent threat to human health, a good faith effort will be made to supply written notification to those on the 48-hour prior notification list.  However, in certain circumstances, this may not be possible. Additionally, if you have questions regarding pesticide applications made, or scheduled to be made in the District, please contact Steven Marotta, Director of Facilities and Pesticide Notification Officer, at: Ichabod Crane Central School District, P. O. Box 820, Valatie, New York 12184, or by phone at (518) 758-7575 ext. 3501.

Safe and Drug-Free Schools

Since March 1989, the District has participated in the Drug-Free Schools and Community program. Existing Board of Education policies are under continuous review and include Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Drug-Free Workplace, Code of Conduct Policy and Public Health Issues Policy.

Student Complaints and Grievances

The District believes it is necessary that students be made aware of the behavior that is expected as outlined in the District policy on school conduct and discipline. Also, students shall be given an opportunity to be heard on complaints or grievances that allege that there is an action affecting them which is prohibited by Title IX and/or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. If you have questions on this procedure, please contact: Title IX Compliance Officer, Lucas Christensen, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Ichabod Crane Central School District, Valatie, NY 12184, (518) 758-7575 ext. 3009; and Section 504 Compliance Officer, Peg Warner, Director of Special Education, Ichabod Crane Central School District, Valatie, NY 12184, (518) 758-7575 ext. 6008. 

Student Records

According to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, “Parents of students under eighteen (18) or a student eighteen (18) or older have a right to inspect and review any and all official records, files, and data directly related to their children and themselves, including all material that is incorporated into a student’s cumulative record folder…teacher or counselor ratings and observation and verified reports of serious or recurrent behavior patterns.’’ If you have questions on this law, please contact either the appropriate building principal or Central Office.

Anti-Harassment of District Employees and Students

The Board of Education is committed to safeguarding the right of all students and employees within the District to learn and work in an environment that is free from all forms of harassment. Board of Education Policy #0100 governs this issue and contain the procedures which regulate its implementation. Board policies are available in all buildings and also in the Central Office.

Academic Eligibility for Participation in Extracurricular Activities

The Board of Education encourages students who are involved in extra-class activities to uphold academic standing. Policy 5205 addresses eligibility for co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Parents/guardians and students who have questions should contact the building principal or program advisor.

School Visitors

Board Policy #1240 sets forth guidelines for visitors to the schools. The major provisions of the policy are:

  • To promote effective communication between the citizens of the community…the Board of Education encourages parents and other citizens to visit the schools.
  • Upon entering a school building, a visitor will sign in at the greeter’s station, state the purpose of his/her visit and attach a visitor’s badge in an easily visible location on his/her person.
  • Student visitors from other schools must have prior approval from the building principal to visit the school.

District Safety Plans

In accordance with regulations of the Commissioner of Education, the District has developed a District-Wide Safety Plan to safeguard the safety and health of students and staff, as well as District property, in the event of a true emergency. An early dismissal drill will be conducted annually. Students will be dismissed 15 minutes earlier than the normal dismissal time. A copy of the District-Wide Safety Plan is available in each building and the Central Office.

Asbestos Management Plan

Federal Legislation, AHERA (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act), which was passed in 1986, requires school districts to inspect all buildings for asbestos-containing materials, develop an asbestos management plan for each building, and notify employees, students, and parents of the availability of the asbestos management plans for inspection.  As was required by the Legislation, the Ichabod Crane Central School District submitted asbestos management plans, one for each building to the New York State Education Department prior to the May 9, 1989 deadline. Please be advised that the Asbestos Management Plans are available in the Ichabod Crane Maintenance Office for inspection during normal business hours.  Please contact the Director of Facilities, Asbestos LEA Designee, at 758-7575, ext. 3501 if you have any questions or if you would like to inspect one or all of the plans.

Smoking on School Premises

Due to the health hazards associated with smoking and in accordance with federal and state law, the use of tobacco and tobacco-related products – also known as “smokeless” or “chewing tobacco” – on school premises, on school buses, or at school-sponsored activities, is prohibited.

Public Conduct on School Property

Ichabod Crane expects a high standard of conduct from its students, faculty and support personnel, as well as from parents and visitors to the schools. The Board of Education adopted its Code of Conduct in accordance with the new Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) legislation. The District’s Code of Conduct and maintenance of Public Order Policies are available in the library and main offices of each building.

Project “Child Find” Preschool Readiness

Some children exhibit behavioral activities which could be the warning signs of future difficulties unless intervention treatment is provided at an early age.  These behaviors may be physical or emotional. Examples of behaviors forecasting difficulty include children who become easily upset, cry often, or frequently have temper tantrums.  Do you feel your child has a problem we should know about? Please contact the Office of Special Education, (518) 758-7575 ext. 6008.

New York State District Liaison for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth

If anyone suspects that a student under 18 years of age in our district is living apart from their parents or legal guardians in unstable or inadequate living situations, they should contact Peg Warner, Director and Homeless Liaison for the Ichabod Crane Central School District, at (518) 758-7575, ext. 6008.

Notification of Body Camera on School Resource Officer

Effective May 2021, any School Resource Deputy (SRD) who may be assigned to Ichabod Crane schools, will be wearing a body camera while on campus in accordance with the Columbia County Sheriff Department’s new body camera policy. This change has been initiated by the Department as the result of recent Police Reform Committee meetings. The body cameras are intended for general law enforcement needs outside of school; however, as Deputies in the Columbia County Sheriff’s Department, SRDs are required to wear one while on duty.