The following message from Superintendent Guntlow was emailed to all Ichabod Crane families on Thursday, January 14. Please carefully review this information as it contains important details about Grades 6-8 shifting to full remote instruction and Grades 9-12 remaining on full remote instruction until Monday, January 25.

Grade K-5 will continue as regularly scheduled with in-person learning.

All previous school reopening news and COVID-19 updates can be found on the district’s Reopening Information page here.

Good Evening,                                     

Over the course of the last two weeks, we have been grappling with a high number of recent confirmed COVID-19 cases. This has placed a strain on our ability to maintain in-person instruction. I am writing to share some updates and schedule changes.

Since returning from the holiday recess, there have been twelve High School students who have tested positive. Over the last few days, we were also informed of four Middle School Staff members who have tested positive, leading to a large number of Middle School staff who now need to quarantine. The Primary School was also notified of one positive student.  At this time, we have identified and contacted all staff members and families whose students came in close contact with these cases while on campus or on the bus.

If you were not already contacted directly via phone or email, your child was not a close contact and there is no further action needed on your part.

Effective today, this means the following for school schedules:

-All Middle School students (grades 6-8) will shift to remote instruction starting tomorrow (January 15) and continue it through next week (January 19-22). Due to the large number of MS staff who need to quarantine, we cannot open the building for in-person learning next week. Please watch your email for additional information from the Middle School principal regarding student schedules for tomorrow.  

-All High School (grades 9-12) students will continue with remote instruction through next week (January 19-22) due to the large amount of recent positive cases in the building.

-All students in grade K-5 will continue as regularly scheduled with in-person learning. 

As of now, we plan for both the Middle and High School to resume their normal hybrid schedules on Monday, January 25. Please keep in mind this plan is subject to change based on the possibility of further positive cases. We will be closely monitoring the situation next week and will inform families with as much notice as possible if plans change. 

At home, please continue carefully screening your children in the morning before sending them in to school and always err on the side of caution. If they are showing even mild COVID-19 symptoms, please keep them home. 

Thank you as always for your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate these challenges together.