Tyler Drive Technology on ICC Buses

The Ichabod Crane Transportation Department continues to use Tyler Drive Technology on our buses.

Tyler Drive systems include GPS software, a mobile data terminal and an ID card reader attached near our bus drivers. This system provides our drivers with turn-by-turn directions to each stop on our bus routes and monitors student ridership in real-time. Additionally, this system allows Ichabod parents, guardians and students to view bus information through a free Traversa app called “Ride 360.”

Please download the Traversa Ride 360 App for monitoring Ichabod Crane bus arrival/drop-off times.

Ride 360 gives an estimated time of arrival at bus stops and information on when your children have scanned on and off their bus. This means you can check when your children are safely on the bus or even when their buses are running late.

Students receive their badges from their bus driver at the beginning of each school year. Your child will scan their ID badges each time they enter/exit their bus and if they forget or misplace their ID badge, drivers can register them manually on a mobile data terminal. At each bus stop, the mobile data terminal displays the names and photos of the students who should be boarding/exiting at that stop. Please view the video below for a demonstration on how the badges are used.